What is EscapeIF? Let Scott Nicholson, professor and Escape Room designer explain!
Get Started with EscapeIf
Sample Online Game - Experience EscapeIF as a student
Sample EscapeIF Game Script: Perimiter Problems - Combination script and tutorial
EscapeIF System Overview - Basics of the EscapeIF System
EscapeIf Games
Tourist Transport (Scott Nicholson and Janene Depalo) - Grades 2-4; addition and subtraction of numbers and time
Perimeter Problems (Scott Nicholson) - Grades 4-6; perimeter and area
Hungry Hungry Dinos (Scott Nicholson and Derek Gallacher) - Grades 5-7; fraction math
Just an Average Day (Scott Nicholson and Eric Mukarage) - Grades 8-10; mean, median, mode, outliers
EscapeIF Game Repository - Hosted by the mEducation Alliance
EscapeIF Beta Games
Want to help us improve? Try these games and send feedback to scott@scottnicholson.com
Sunny Days Ahead (Tilak Vyas, Alex Kulenkamp and Scott Nicholson) - Chance and Percentages (Twine version)
Mud Pie Bakery (Alex Kulenkamp, Tilak Vyas, and Scott Nicholson) - Fractions (Twine version)
Fishy Fun (Alex Kulenkamp, Tilak Vyas, and Scott Nicholson) - Ratios (Twine version)
Time for Treats (Tilak Vyas, Alex Kulenkamp and Scott Nicholson) - Time Calculations and Scheduling (Twine version)
Make Your Own EscapeIF Games!
EscapeIF Creation Guide - In-depth guide for teachers and students creating EscapeIF games
EscapeIF Design Worksheets - A series of worksheets to help you think through your EscapeIF game design
EscapeIF Design Tutorial (Shorter) - Comprehensive video presentation on making a EscapeIF narrative educational game
EscapeIF Design Tutorial (Full, with worked example game) - Comprehensive video presentation on making a EscapeIF narrative educational game
EscapeIF Advanced - Add more freedom to your EscapeIF games with a more open-ended EscapeIF system
All of these EscapeIF projects are in the Creative Commons! You can keep up with the EscapeIF project through Facebook or contact Scott Nicholson at scott@scottnicholson.com
I'd like to thank and recognize the two organization that made EscapeIF possible:
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wilfrid Laurier University provided a sabbatical to Dr. Scott Nicholson for the 2021-2022 academic year, which provided him the time to create EscapeIF. Dr. Nicholson is part of the Game Design and Development program on the Brantford, Ontario campus.
mEducation Alliance
The Mobiles for Education (mEducation) Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit focused on the evidence-driven and sustainable role of technology in education to advance quality educational outcomes. Initially formed in 2010, the mEducation Alliance is a unique, multi-stakeholder convening platform for government and donor policymakers, other investors, researchers, and practitioners to work together, particularly in lower-resource, developing country contexts. For more information about the Alliance, including about their signature activities, visit the organization web page.